by John J. Sullivan
The founder of the Dire Series poetry readings and author of the newly published short story collection Short Street spoke at the June 25 contributors meeting of the Somerville News.
“There’s nothing like the literary scene that exists in Massachusetts. In Kansas, you could be a writer and be the only one for miles. In Somerville, everyone writes,” said Timothy Gager.
Gager said he didn’t like being told what to write when he was young, and didn’t begin to enjoy writing until later in life.
The author said that his first passion was music. “I was actually making it quite big,” he said. “I played with May Tags and then with bigger bands,” he said.
His early career in music, Gager said, taught him how to market himself – a skill that helped him publicize his writing later on. “You never forget how to market yourself and get your name out there,” he said.
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