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« Source: Woman who stabbed three Somerville police officers sought mental care before deadly attack | Main | Murph the Surf and other Somerville nicknames »

July 23, 2010


Cidalia de Melo

Thank You to the Somerville police department, you all put your lives in harms ways.You do a great job , very proud resident.

michelle sousa

they should have tased hr not have to kill the women even tho she was tryna stab a cop to shoot sumonee for stab wounds is unproffesional that could be sumbodys mother fr christ sake


Only a complete tard would think the proper responce to being stabbed is a taser. Three cops stabbed and you think they police over reacted. Must be nice to be an expert with tactical responses to deadly situations with so much training you must have received. Grow up michele

Craig Duquette

Michelle, ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? She was trying to seriously injure or kill three people and you say that shooting someone for that is unprofessional? You watch too much TV and need mental health care more than she did. The object is to LIVE first, be professional second.

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