Don't forget that this afternoon, Wednesday, Mayor Joe Curtatone will continue what has now become an annual event here, the Business Town Meeting. Mayor Joe will address the business community across the city, and take questions. If you have any questions for the Mayor this is a good time, it will be at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square starting at 4:30 p.m. and is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. |
Ward 7 School Committee member Mary Jo Rossetti will be holding office hours at the West Somerville Neighborhood School playground on Raymond Avenue, Saturday May 1 between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. She is encouraging all residents to meet with her and discuss the state of the schools here in Somerville and in particular Ward 7. Immediately following her office hours, the WSNS PTA will host their annual community yard sale.
Annual Somerville Lions Breakfast this Sunday morning at the club house behind Holiday Inn on Washington Street, Sunday 8:30 to 11:30 cost is $10.00 for one person $16.00 for two.
The following Sunday, May 9, at Anthony's in Malden, The Gene Brune Annual Scholarship Breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. This is always a jammed pack event, and it's a good time to see old and new friends alike, Gene is one popular guy; we know a bunch of Newstalkers will be present.
Our recently resigned Police Chief Anthony Holloway may be out of a job down in Clearwater that he just started not two months ago. Seems like the local sheriff department down there has offered the city of Clearwater a chance to save about $8 to $9 million dollars in the city budget by eliminating the entire Police Department and leave it up to the Sheriff. The City of Clearwater must now decide what to do, and there are some speculations that they are considering this move to save money for the taxpayers. Our Sheriff's department is different here they don't have the powers that they do in most states, so looks like that proposal won't be on the table here in Somerville.
Speaking of budget times which are right around the corner, watch for some pretty heavy cuts coming up for discussion, we hear that maybe a school as well as some teachers might be on the chopping block. We just wonder could that sacred cow, the Brown School, be proposed now that it's NOT election year. That school has been the sacred cow building now for many years, well we hear from some sources that a lively discussion will ensue if it's the Brown School that finds itself on the chopping block.
The other day a group of DPW workers (about five were standing in front of one broom) in Union Square shouted out to one of our Newstalkers "Hey when are you going to write a real story?" Our Newstalker replied "When you get caught, it will be on the front page." Well ladies and gents stay tuned for an interesting story coming out very soon, our sources say keep reading for a story on one DPW worker with a deer in the Headlights look on their face, when he sees its about him. Stay tuned.
Both Somerville Lodge of Masons and King Solomon's Lodge on Highland Avenue will be hosting a CHIPS program (Child Identification Program) Saturday May 15 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club at 181 Washington Street here (the old Pope School at Boston and Washington Streets). CHIPS are a wonderful program that will interview, photograph and take dental impressions as well as fingerprints of any child so that you have a record in case the unthinkable ever took place and police needed valuable clues to go on. The Masons pay for the entire cost of the event and donate their time, they make it an enjoyable event for the children to attend and the best part is it's FREE to all children. Last time this was done here in Somerville, hundreds of families lined up for it.
Also the Somerville High Scholarship Foundation is doing their annual fund raiser, selling tickets for a $10K drawing on May 21st. For ticket contact Gene Brune at PO B ox 440275 Somerville 02144. Tickets go for $100.
First time Home Buyers seminar held by the Somerville Housing Authority will be May 13 at the Tenants Association Building. It's a great program, runs about three weeks with all sorts of professionals speaking, from local realtors to lawyers and local bank employees. Call 617 625-1152 and ask for housing to register. It's a great program going on almost 18 years now here in Somerville.
Congratulations to Jeff Harrington of the Davis Square area. Jeff just passed the Mass Bar Exam. Last year he passed the Rhode Island bar, and we knew he could do it here. Jeff is a nice guy and if you see him in the Square let him know you saw it here.
Seems like the Boston media, in particular The Glob along with the TV guys from NECN, can't get their fact straight regarding the Ball Square breakfast wars, (which, by the way, we named and reported on first.) The incident that was reported on the front page in the Monday Glob two weeks ago this past Saturday. Lets get the story correct, Yasser bought Soundbites from the lady who started in the early 90's, Yassar bought it from her in the middle 90's, Omar was the cook under the orginal owner, Omar then worked and did the cooking for Yassar for many years until the lease was up and Victor decided not to renew. Mike, Victor's son offered a business partnership to Omar instead of continuing to just work there for Yassar, Omar decided to further himself and accept the partnership. Omar wasn't stolen by Mike, like Yassar likes you to believe, so lets get the story straight. True to form it must have been a slow news day at the Boston Glob they can only copy local stuff and then claim it for there own. Their website is filled with our stories, and they copy and paste our top headlines without permission.