The Health Department is in frequent contact with MADPH to assure that we have the most up to date information to pass onto you about this ever changing situation. We have been and will continue to add links to the website to keep you up to date with the latest guidance so you and your family can stay healthy.
As this health issue has evolved, City staff has followed the guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and Please click on these links to get the most up to date information on the flu.
Unlike at the outset of this outbreak where confirmatory testing was conducted to assess if someone with flu like symptoms in fact had H1N1 influenza, testing will now be conducted on a very selected basis, and only with pre approval from MADPH. Even in the absence of confirmatory testing, those with flu like symptoms should as has always been the case self isolate from the onset of symptoms until 24 hours after symptoms AND fever resolves without the use of medication.
Self isolation means not going to school or work, not engaging in social activities including after school activities and sports, and otherwise avoiding congregating with others during that period of time. It is wise to be prepared in case you or a family member needs to stay home for that period of time. Consider stocking up on emergency supplies including enough food and water to shelter in place for the 7 day period. Visit to find out more. If you have a friend or family member who is homebound, you may also want to consider gathering supplies for them as well. If you are the parent or guardian of a school age child, it may also be a good idea to talk to your child's teacher about books or materials you may want to have on hand if your child needs to miss school due to flu or other illness.
You CAN protect your health, the health of your family, and the Health of Somerville by following this simple advice
* Wash your hands often. Watch this short video and put your hands together.
* Avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes.
* Use cough etiquette (cough into your elbow) cover your cough
* If you get sick with flu -STAY HOME!