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February 13, 2008



Antonia's a little too pricey? Maybe compared to Mike's. The menu of theirs that's available online has nothing more expensive than $14.95.


Oh no! Antonia's is one of my favorite restaurants in Davis Square. ...and they are not pricey at all for the food and atmosphere.

Ron Newman

Antonia's was discussed at Monday's Davis Square Task Force meeting. I posted some notes about it at Davis Square LiveJournal, which I'll repeat here:

Antonia's Restaurant and Ten Tables

Krista Kranyak, owner of Ten Tables restaurant in Jamaica Plain, would like to buy Antonia's and turn it into a second Ten Tables location. She has lived in Somerville for 5 1/2 years, a short walk from Davis Square.

Unfortunately, she has found out that Antonia's beer and wine license does not come with the property. Beer and wine licenses cannot be sold. When a business that has a beer and wine license closes, its license reverts to the city. There are two other beer and wine licenses available, but seven restaurants have applied for them, including Alfresco and Martsa on Elm. The Licensing Commission would have to decide which is fairer: giving a license to a brand-new applicant at an existing location, or giving it to an applicant that has been waiting longer for one.

Without a guarantee of a beer and wine license, it's unlikely that she can buy the restaurant. The city has asked the state legislature to grant it ten more such licenses, which would solve the problem entirely, but the legislature has not yet acted on this.


A Tibetan restaurant (Martsa) wants a liquor license? Don't they have to have some kind of Karmic background check with the Dalai Lama?

Seriously, isn't that going to ruin the vibe there?


Offhand, does anyone know how many Beer & Wine licenses are there in Somerville at present?

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