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July 23, 2007


Born Here

"The state will fund a $100,000 study on how the use of the Amelia Earhart Dam affects flooding on the Mystic River".
Here's a hint, the dam opens and water flows in and out according to the Boston Harbor tide level. The dam closes and water level stays the same. Can I have the 100K?

Drug Funding

Could someone please tell me how anyone is spending $250,000 in this city for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Drugs have been increasing to momentous proportions in recent years, and if you can get into any kind of GOOD rehab program, you're extremely lucky!


At least we have three local politicians looking out and working hard for the citizens of this city. Give credit where credit is due, no matter where you stand politically.

The Patriot

Isn't it political to suggest others are not working hard? Let's do give credit where it is due and reward
such subtle gamesmanship with the light of day.

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