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June 28, 2006



Have you not seen a small bird chase of a great big bird


OMG william, will this ever end. who gives a shit what you think happened? you go on and on and on....what happened at dinners you werent at, what was said privately, look up the word fiction in the dictionary and your picture is next to it.i heard from someone who knows that soap opera digest is offering you a job, and this is from a very, very good source,really no bull shit.
i also heard from someone else that your house is going to be for sale soon.that your leaving the city you love so dearly.
one guy that knows another guy told me another guy heard that you were broke and were ready to jump into a big deveopers pocket.that your just trying to look like a concerned citizen and then WHAM, your house is sold youve moved to another city that you love and you start your devilish schemes all over again.
and what did you do with your cut of the profits from the gravestar sale of good old assembly sq. i heard you bought a chalet in the south of france and ordered a whole new bunch of berets in every color known to man.i hear so much yet i print so little.i guess now that your series is winding down i can start,and if anyone else has heard a good william story, doesnt matter if its true or not, send it in im sure many of us would love to hear it.

Shelton is starting to get old

William Shelton is starting to get old. I heard that he is getting alot of his infomation from Puglia. Does that name ring a bell? Same old boring stories, just a another week.

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