The City of Cambridge recently hosted a special ceremony to honor the recipients of the 2013 City of Cambridge Scholarship. This year, the City awarded 60 scholarships of $2,500 each to Cambridge high school seniors and others pursuing higher education.
The City of Cambridge gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution of the many generous citizens of Cambridge who make this opportunity possible.
The 2013 City Scholarship recipients included:
Aser Abrha; ShameenAkhtar; Yvonne Appiah; Chloe Barran; Shakhi Begum; Liam Bodwell; Karen Chen;Dora Cronin; Richard Damas; Christopher Desnoyers; Shubham Dhital; Nadia Friedler; Meklit Gizaw; Sara Goldstein; Dylan Green; Jacob Greenberg; Mia Gussen; Deborah Guzman-Buchness; Maya Hodgson-Dottin; Imtiyaz Hossain; Michelle Joella Kaala; Christina Kaltcheva; Helen Keen; Gahng Nin Kim; Ruth Kiros; Danny Lu;Roselore Marseille; Rebecca Meged; Ayele Messan-Hilla;Alexander Monteverde;Simon Morrison; Catalina Nguyen; Theron Nipson; Tyler O'Keefe;Matilda Ostow; Nellie Ostow; Anderson Parris; Ashley Pereira; Shawn Peterkin; Ashraful Rahman; Verlande Raphael; Mary Regan;Samantha Sauld; Eve Schauer; Jadira Scott; Azianna Simmons; Jonah Simon; Emma Steffens; Miriam Stevens; SilaTaskomur; Thechena Theodore; Ryan Tracy; Maria Alejandra Trumble; Jason Vazquez-Li;Sonia Verma; Mohammed Wahed Uddin; Nina Williams; Cheyenne Wyzzard-Jones; Kevin Xiong; and Kevin Yang.
Connor Donovan was the recipient of The Robert W. Healy Scholarship in the amount of $3,000. This scholarship is awarded separately through a special endowment fund established in honor of City Manager Robert W. Healy.